Thursday, March 20, 2014

Limiting ad tracking on IOS devices.

I hate ads on my apps but depending on your desire to whether they are relevant to you can be helpful or not so much. Limiting the ad tracker is in the settings in privacy under advertising. Therefore if you limit these ads you will not get ads targeted towards your interest. So that being said well not a really useful feature,leaving limit off will help you get the most out of your app experiences. Also you can reset it which is kind of like clearing cookies on your computer. Same amount of ads just choosing whether they are relevant or not

Two awesome must have vfx apps for IOS

Have you ever wanted to be transported into another place such as the visual effects driven world of Hollywood for next to nothing? Well your in luck because I have two reviews on that tinsel town tornado of pure appyness. Like what I did there? Yeah you know you did cause we should all be app-cited by now!

All joking aside, apps are a commodity these days. One of my favorite apps on the app store as of now is Action Movie Fx ( This nifty little app is free with in-app purchases. It basically does what a video compositor does in movies in which shooting a video and applying desired effects(which are a library of different fx such as spider-strike). In spider strike you would shoot your video pick then apply the effect and adjust time frame for when the spider will crawl across the screen and jump at victim. I would give a 5 out of 5 for it's instant fx but all in all it has many more effects priced at .99 cents a pop and there you go insta-hollywood.

Demon Cam( is made by the same person who created action movie fx,Video copilot's Andrew Kramer. To use it is three simple steps. 1. Take a video of you making your scariest face. 2.Position face trackers on eyes and mouth. 3.Click render and watch yourself being morphed into a demon with hd rendering. It's render mode only takes a few secs to render. Automated face tracking and an impressive menu and sound design. A new feature that I noticed is answer ball. Think magic 8-ball toys but digital and to this theme. Ask a question then tap for an answer. Sounds silly I know but another 5 out of 5 for this awesome app.

So let me know what you think of these apps and don't forget to comment.